The ECE Current Newsletter – Fall 2018 (pdf)
Table of Contents
Letter from Nadir Dagli, ECE Chair: a busy year full of excitement — faculty recruitment, undergraduate curriculum, faculty research grants and centers, high national and international rankings, gratitude to alumni and friends of the Department
Spotlights: Faculty Mentorship — Professor Jim Buckwalter; Courses — Capstone 2018 (ECE 188 - EE & ECE 189 - CE) and Introduction to ECE (ECE 5A)
Research: ECE Research Initiative — Professor Upamanyu Madhow, Wireless Communication and SensorNets Lab (WCSL)
Recognitions: Faculty — UCSB Faculty Research Lecturer Award - Professor Umesh Mishra. Other ECE awardees include R. Alferness, D. Blumenthal, J. Bowers, F. Brewer, J. Klamkin, H. Lee, S. Mitra, C. Palmstrom, C. Schow, Y. Visell and L-C. Wang; Student Awards — Herbert Kroemer Fellowship (F. Gencel); Barpal Fellowship (J. Rivera & C. Sheth), Roger Wood Award (B. Luu – EE and S-M Oh & A. Wadaskar – CE), Ed Hass Scholarship (S-M Oh & A. Wadaskar), Outstanding Teaching Assistant (V. Radzicki – EE and C. Motta – CE); 2018 EE & CE Capstone Winners & Team UCSB Hyperloop's first place finish in the levitation competition at SpaceX's Hyperloop Pod Competition; and 2017-18 ECE Donors