Invest in ECE at UCSB

We invite you to invest in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department — your generosity enables us to provide current and future students with an unparalleled educational experience and stay at the forefront of research that addresses the most critical issues of the 21st century.

Please consider one of our named giving opportunities below to target your gift to a specific initiative, or make an unrestricted gift to the department which will have a wide reaching and immediate impact on all aspects of the UCSB ECE community.

Feel free to contact me personally, and thank you for supporting UCSB ECE!

Luke Theogarajan, Chair

For more information contact:

Steve Ramirez, Assistant Dean of Development
College of Engineering & BioEngineering Development
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106-6035
Office: (805) 893-4579 Mobile: (805) 729-2463

Funding Opportunities

Provides students and researchers with resources they need to learn, develop technology, and contribute to the field of electrical and computer engineering
Supports the projects and activities of students in the electrical engineering and computer engineering Capstone Programs
To honor and support a meritorious undergraduate student studying electrical and/or computer engineering at UCSB
Provides named fellowship awards to excellent graduate students studying electrical and computer engineering
Provides named undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships, and helps equip and supply state-of-the-art teaching facilities
Provides a named distinguished visiting professorship with the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation (CCDC)