Team OceanPulse w/ their poster
Photo: Jeff Liang, UCSB
Courtesy: ECE 188 Sr. Projects

About the Program

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) majors play an essential role in the technologies that modern society runs on:

  • The integrated circuits that enable smart phones and laptops to perform billions of computations per second, and the global network infrastructure connecting us all, are designed by ECE majors
  • The electrical power grid was, of course, designed by ECE majors, and ECE majors are now working on a range of innovations including LED lighting, power electronics, sensing and control systems to usher in a renewables-based future
  • The multimedia revolution in digital audio, imagery and video that underlies so many apps that we interact with is driven by ECE majors
  • The sensing, perception and control systems that underlie automation, including emerging vehicular autonomy systems, count on the expertise of ECE majors

It is no wonder that electrical and computer engineers are sought after both by established companies such as Apple, Intel and SpaceX, and by start-ups leading the next wave of tech disruption.

The ECE department supports two majors: Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Engineering (CE). The CE program is run in collaboration with the Computer Science (CS) department. This website provides curricular guidance targeted at EE majors, but our curriculum allows EE and CE majors to mix and match elective courses in a way that is tailored to their specific interests.

In the TCR students fabricate and characterize semiconductor devices
Take a short tour of the undergrad experience viewed through the lens of our students

ECE 188 Best Projects: Mercury, Commpact & REMED-E

Degree Program

The program prepares graduates to work on a wide range of technologies, including information technologies, artificial intelligence, biomedical systems, automotive systems, and power electronics. The rigorous training provided by the major also empowers graduates to excel in non-tech fields such as finance and intellectual property law.

Curriculum Highlights

 Senior Projects (ECE 188ABC)

During the senior year, each EE student is required to take the Senior Capstone Project. Student groups design a significant project based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework and integrate their technical understanding through practical design experience.

 Combined BS/MS Degree in ECE

The program allows current students to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering or Materials.

Our Mission

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering seeks to provide a comprehensive, rigorous and accredited educational program for the graduates of California's high schools and for postgraduate students, both domestic and international. The department has a dual mission for Education and Research...


  • Shiv Chandrasekaran, ECE Prof. & Vice Chair of EE Undergrad Studies
  • Erika Klukovich, Student Affairs Manager
  • Beth English, Undergrad Program Officer: Trailer 380, Rm 105 | 
  • Joanna Villalobos, Undergrad Advisor: Trailer 380, Rm 101 |

Office Location: Trailer 380, Room 101, 105

EE Five-Year Enrollment & Degree History

  • Fall Enrollment: 2024 (359) | 2023 (314) | 2022 (289) | 2021 (278) | 2020 (280)
  • Degrees Awarded: 2023-2024: (58) | 2022-2023: (58) | 2021-2022: (68) | 2020-2021: (65) | 2019-2020 (52)

EE Program Statistics (Fall 2024)

  • 2299 applicants | 102 enrolled
  • Average incoming GPA: 4.40
Interested in the BS/MS Program?

BS/MS options available for Electrical Engineering undergraduates:

Applications for the BS/MS in ECE are usually due at the end of the spring quarter of the junior year. As this is an accelerated program, it is expected that all of the required courses for the EE major are completed including all of the junior required courses. GRE exams are not required to apply.

To check the status of a BS/MS application in ECE, contact the ECE Student Affairs Manager