Nov 30 (Tue) @ 2:00pm: "MBE Enabled Technologies for Next Generation Nitride Devices," Christian Wurm, ECE PhD Defense
Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 330 738 8139 | Passcode: gan
Despite the accepted notion that molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is limited in terms of scalability compared to more conventional growth techniques such as metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), researchers continue to leverage MBE for nitride semiconductor growth because of its many advantages over more scalable growth technologies. This is in part because of the simplicity of MBE growth which utilizes no metal-organic precursors or ammonia enabling it to grow films at significantly lower temperatures than MOCVD. Because of this, MBE can produce thicker and higher In-composition indium gallium nitride (InGaN). Past work involving MOCVD grown InGaN on porous GaN tiles resulted in elastic relaxation of the InGaN tiles enabling the subsequent growth of higher In-composition multi-quantum wells (MQWs) for red micro-LEDs, however, the equivalent fully relaxed In-composition was limited to less than 8% and exhibited a surface with a high density of V-defects. This work demonstrates smooth MBE grown InGaN on MOCVD grown porous GaN tiles with significantly higher In-composition (and higher in-plane lattice constant) with a surface free of V-defects. These MBE/MOCVD grown relaxed InGaN pseudo-substrate have potential to become a disruptive technology in electronic and optoelectronic devices.
Christian Wurm received his B. Sc. degree at the University of California San Diego in 2017. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the ECE Department at UCSB and is advised by Professor Umesh Mishra.
Hosted by: Professor Umesh K. Mishra
Submitted by: Christian Wurm <>