ECE Seminar Series – Feb 17 (Fri) @ 2:00pm: "My Trek from Fundamental to Industrial Research: Quantum Systems Engineering," John Martinis, Prof. Physics, UCSB

Come at 1:30p for Cookies, Coffee and Conversation!
Quantum computing has entered a compelling scientific era as now quantum algorithms can be run on multiple physical systems. Building even larger machines with error correction is a significant engineering challenge that will require good systems engineering practices. Here I discuss some scientific and technical strategies and ideas that will be important to consider when transitioning from scientific research to development of a complex engineered system. Also considered will be constraints specific to quantum computers, for example the inability to copy information and the need for complex control systems.
John Martinis did pioneering experiments in superconducting qubits in the mid 1980’s for his PhD thesis. He has worked on a variety of low temperature device physics during his career, focusing on quantum computation since the late 1990s. He was awarded the London Prize in Low temperature physics in 2014 for his work in this field. From 2014 to 2020 he worked at Google to build a useful quantum computer, culminating in a quantum supremacy experiment in 2019. He was awarded the John Stewart Bell prize in 2021.