ECE Seminar Series – May 5 (Fri) @ 2:00pm: "Thinking About Squeezed States,” John Sipe, Professor, Physics, U of Toronto

Come at 1:30p for Cookies, Coffee and Conversation!
Squeezed states of light play a central role in quantum sensing and imaging, and are an important resource for quantum computing strategies. They can be described by a squeezing parameter and a joint temporal (or spectral) amplitude. That joint amplitude is often characterized by its Schmidt decomposition. But we argue that the physics of the light is not really revealed by that decomposition. We introduce a “pseudo-Schmidt” decomposition, which can be understood as an approximation of a more general decomposition based on the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation formula. These decompositions lead to a way of thinking about the quantum state describing squeezed light that, we claim, serves to really elucidate the underlying physics.
John Sipe is a Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto. His research is focused on theoretical issues in quantum optics and condensed matter physics, with recent work on the foundations of optical response, coherent control effects, and nonlinear quantum optics.
Hosted by: ECE Seminar Series
Submitted by: Galan Moody <>