ECE in COE Convergence (F19) mag
ECE affiliated faculty and researchers represented in Convergence: Alizadeh, Blumenthal, Deng, Marden, Palmstrom, Pedarsani, Teel, Xie, Zhang
Convergence – the Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara (Fall 2019 issue)

ECE in COE Convergence
"Hiring the Best and The Brightest" (page 7)
UC Santa Barbara administrators continue to succeed in their mission to hire the best and brightest young faculty in engineering and the sciences. (Alizadeh and Zhang)
"UCSB and Microsoft Partner for Next-generation Cloud Computing" (page 7)
UCSB is one of six universities in the world and the only institution in the U.S. to be selected as an inaugural member of Microsoft’s Optics for the Cloud Research Alliance. (Blumenthal)
"Dynamical Systems: Change is the Constant" (page 22)
The interdisciplinary Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation (CCDC) is an area where, says center director, Andrew Teel, junior faculty are making significant contributions. (Teel, Alizadeh, Pedarsani, Marden)
"Quantum's Material Path — The Topological Qubit" (page 25)
Researcher uses molecular beam epitaxy to combine elements to grow single-crystal compounds on single- crystal wafers, described as making designer materials with novel properties. (Palmstrøm)
"Combined Intelligence: Two AI Models on One Chip" (page 30)
Researchers develop a riderless bicycle as a proof-of-concept for the Tianjic chip, which combines the two main types of machine-learning approaches. (Xie and Deng)