BS/MS Degree
The combined BS/MS in the Electrical and Computer Engineering program at UC Santa Barbara seeks to prepare undergraduate students at UCSB more deeply and broadly than the Bachelor's program alone.
The program allows outstanding students to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering or Materials and to complete graduation requirements for both degrees ideally within five years. Graduate units taken during the student's senior year will allow the completion of MS program requirements in the fifth year.
Applications are accepted once per year with the application deadline falling after Spring grades are in.
- The BS/MS in ECE program is ONLY open to current UCSB Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering students
- Students must have completed all required upper-division ECE & CS courses when they apply and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0, but this does not guarantee admission.
Interested students should begin reviewing the process early in their 3rd year (typically their junior year) and plan to apply in the Spring quarter of that year.
As this is an accelerated program, it is expected that all of the required courses for the EE major are completed including all of the junior required courses. GRE exams are not required to apply.
ECE BS/MS Apply Process
- I. Pre-Application Steps
- Attend the 3rd-yr junior meeting for info about the ECE BS/MS program
- Review the eligibility requirements to ensure you will meet all requirements prior to applying
- Plan on applying/submitting your application by the end of spring qtr (typically during your junior year)
- II. Application Steps
Submission and Deadline: Spring 2025 (June 20, 2025)
BS/MS Application Form & Instructions
A completed application packet consists of:
- Completed ECE BS/MS Application Form
- Statement of Purpose (1 pg. min., 2 pgs. max)
- Personal History and Diversity Statement (1 pg. min., 2 pgs. max – 250 words minimum)
- Resume or CV
- Three Letters of Recommendation
- Unofficial Transcript (with Spring quarter grades)
- III. Advancing to MS Status Steps (admitted BS/MS students)
Contact the ECE Student Affairs Manager
- During winter qtr of your senior year, the ECE Department will reach out to request you complete a BS/MS Study Plan
- ECE Department will draft a Curriculum Memo to ensure your BS/MS courses are coded properly by the Registrar's Office.
- Submit your confirmation to the COE to confirm your intention to advance to graduate status
Contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator
- Complete the Graduate Division Online Application and pay the app fee (deadline in May - Graduate Division will provide instructions) so your MS degree objective can be created
Interested in the ECE BS/MS Program?
BS/MS options available for EE undergraduates:
- BS in ECE and MS in ECE: email the ECE Student Affairs Manager
- BS in EE and MS in MATRL: see the Materials Department website
Questions about the application process or to check the status of an ECE application, contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator.