ECE News

May 8, 2019

Prof. Loai Salem intends to create the first fully integrated, self-adaptive radio receiver to facilitate high-quality communication

April 29, 2019

The awards received by Mahnoosh Alizadeh and Zheng Zhang include funding to pursue research and advance excellence in education through the NSF Faculty Early Career Development program

April 10, 2019

ECE affiliated faculty and alumni represented in Convergence: York, Culler, Bowers, Jerphagnon, Blumenthal, Banerjee

Convergence – the Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara (Spring 2019 issue)

March 15, 2019

PhD student Junkai Jiang awarded student fellowship from the IEEE Electron Devices Society in the broad area of electron devices

July 19, 2018

Prof. Joao Hespanha suggests a way to protect autonomous grids from potentially crippling GPS spoofing attacks

May 1, 2018

Profs. John Bowers & Luke Theogarajan team up with engineers to reduce the size, cost and power requirements of an optical frequency device