Freshman to Senior Year Timeline & Advising
Each of the four years in the 2024-2025 curriculum followed by a typical electrical engineering undergraduate student has a distinct flavor in terms of the types of courses taken, academic goals, and milestones achieved.
The following grids present an overall picture of these four years, provide a sense of the progress made toward graduation, and list specific things to do in order to stay on track. Included with graduation checks and guidelines are steps to take by students who would like to pursue graduate studies in the framework of the BS/MS program.
Freshman Year
Coursework: Besides completing a number of units to fulfill parts of the general education requirements, an EE freshman prepares for foundation subjects in the major by taking mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, or ECE 6 and two introductory ECE lab courses. Students who already have AP or equivalent credits may take more advanced math courses.
Learn and Experience: Mathematics, basic science, programming, and writing courses provide tools that render specialized courses taken by students in later years both accessible and enjoyable.
Freshman GRID (2024-2025)

Blue = EE Core | Orange = General Education
The Frosh Yr. GRID Gsheet (current students) – is a reference page for "all things" GRID-related during the freshman year. It includes an in-depth version of the GRID, links to individual courses, to-dos, tips, updates, and additional helpful info.
Sophomore Year
Coursework: The ECE circuits sequence courses and labs are the core of the EE sophomore experience. This is somewhat unique to UCSB in that it is a full-year hands-on introduction to circuit theory, electronic devices, and analog/digital circuits culminating in the design and construction of a functional infrared audio link. Exposure to mathematics and physics subjects, two quarters of signal analysis and processing, continues in this second year.
Learn and Experience: The foundations of students’ understanding of circuit theory, electronics, physics, and advanced engineering mathematics are completed in the sophomore year. By the end of this year, students will have a basic understanding of electrical engineering that should enable them to explore summer research and internship opportunities.
Sophomore GRID (2024-2025)

Blue = EE Core | Orange = General Education
The Soph Yr. GRID Gsheet (current students) – is a reference page for "all things" GRID-related during the sophomore year. It includes an in-depth version of the GRID, links to individual courses, to-dos, tips, updates, and additional helpful info.
Junior Year
Coursework: Students will complete most of the required courses in logic design, digital system design, electromagnetics, and discrete math and probability. The junior year is also a pivotal point in the curriculum where students select an EE Track that provides specialization and depth in areas of interest to students.
Learn and Experience: Mastering theoretical and empirical topics, that form the common language of electrical engineering, is required for understanding other upper-division courses, but it also forms a foundation for many graduate-level courses. Given that EE students branch out into different specialty areas during the senior year, this common core knowledge is important for effective communication among colleagues in the workplace and in other teamwork contexts.
Junior GRID (2024-2025)

Blue = EE Core | Orange = General Education | Purple = EE Upper Division Major Requirements | Green = EE Upper Division Major Electives | Split Purple & Green = EE Upper Div Major Requirements OR EE Upper Div Electives
The Jr. Yr. GRID Gsheet (current students) – is a reference page for "all things" GRID-related during the junior year. It includes an in-depth version of the GRID, links to individual courses, to-dos, tips, updates, and additional helpful info.
Senior Year
Coursework: The focus of the senior year is on a set of electives in the student's chosen area of specialization or interest, the student design project, internship, and undergraduate research.
Learn and Experience: Students continue the EE Track and select other electives that allow exploration for additional areas of interest. The three-quarter EE Senior Capstone Project, viewed as an academic career highlight by most students, provides an opportunity to participate in and complete a team project. Final projects are then presented at a year-end event with each student group participating in a project presentation before a panel of experts from academia and industry that select award winners.
Senior GRID (2024-2025)

Orange = General Education | Yellow = Capstone | Green = EE Upper Division Major Electives | Split Purple & Green = EE Upper Div Major Requirements OR EE Upper Div Electives
The Sr. Yr. GRID Gsheet (current students) – is a reference page for "all things" GRID-related during the senior year. It includes an in-depth version of the GRID, links to individual courses, to-dos, tips, updates, and additional helpful info.
Three Tiers of EE Advising
Advisors in the following areas are available to EE students:
CoE Undergrad Advisor
- CoE & University Level
- university policies and procedures
- general education courses
- progress and graduation checks
- academic probation
- academic petitions
- changing majors
- transferring credits from other institutions
- education abroad, honors program, and other opportunities
EE Undergrad Advisor
- Major Level
- general "go to" advisor
- major requirements
- policies and procedures
- yearly progress checks
- course planning
- scheduling
- ECE course enrollment
- prerequisite changes
- selecting and approving senior electives
EE Faculty Advisor
- Content Level
- assigned annually
- content level course materials
- recommendations
- academic and grad school planning
- research opportunities and career planning
Undergraduate Advisors
College of Engineering
CoE Office of Undergraduate Studies
(805) 893-2809 | HFH, Rm 1006
EE Undergraduate
ECE Student Affairs Undergraduate Advisor
ugrad-advisor@ece.ucsb.edu OR
Office Location: Trailer 380, Room 101, 105
EE Faculty
Contact the EE Advisor info above
Pubs & Courses
GEAR (General Engineering Academic Requirements): ECE, COE, and UCSB requirements, overviews & more – from the most current year back to 2012-13
UCSB General Catalog: major & minor requirements, course descriptions, prerequisites & more
UCSB Schedule of Classes: all undergrad and grad course schedules listed by quarter
ECE Undergrad Courses: tables of undergraduate and graduate courses instructed each quarter
Curriculum Questions?
- MAJOR – degree requirements <ugrad-advisor@ece.ucsb.edu OR undergrad@ece.ucsb.edu>
- GENERAL ED – CoE & UCSB <coe-info@engineering.ucsb.edu>
Not sure? Contact the EE & CE Undergraduate Advisor <ugrad-advisor@ece.ucsb.edu OR undergrad@ece.ucsb.edu>
Curriculum Contacts
EE & CE Majors
ECE Student Affairs Office
Trailer 380, Rm 101, 105
ugrad-advisor@ece.ucsb.edu or undergrad@ece.ucsb.edu
Office Location: Trailer 380, Room 101, 105
COE / UCSB Requirements & Transfer Students
COE Office of Undergraduate Studies
Harold Frank Hall, Room 1006
(805) 893-2809